Congratulations to Our 2019 Art Calendar Contest Winners!
It’s that time of year—time to announce the winners of the 6th Annual Community Art Calendar, featuring the stunning artwork of local students. Our theme this year was “What Makes You Smile.“ We received over 80 works of art from 9 schools. Thanks to everyone who participated!

Claire S., Grade 7
Daniil V., Grade 5
Reagan W., Grade 6
Molly J., Grade 9
Jordyn B., Grade 3
Madeline J., Grade 6
Rosemary R., Grade K
Giselle V., Grade 4
Kyler A., Grade 3
Allyson K., Grade 8
Yenifer G., Grade 7
Parker L., Grade 6
We also host an annual Middle School Art Show featuring art from students of multiple local schools. We host an opening reception for the artists, their families, and teachers to view and enjoy the art on display. Our 7th Middle School Art Show will be held on May 1st, 2019.
If you’d like to submit your art for the next year’s calendar, or to display your art at our office, please contact us at 360-260-5113, or